Snug Fit Box Protector Switch Psikyo Shooting Stars Alpha
Overzicht- High quality PET plastic
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∙ All boxes come with a protection film, currently the protection film of this box is harder to remove then usual ! , if have any questions feel free to ask !
∙ High quality PET plastic
∙ 0.4 MM (16mil) THICKNESS!!
IMPORTANT ! there are 4 kinds of Wii console this size is Approx 13,5 x 25 x 38,5
Measure before buying !
∙ High quality PET plastic
∙ 0.5MM
∙ High quality PET plastic
Fits multiple switch special edition cases, please meassure before buying ! size : 3 x 14 x 17.8
Email contact : Click here +316 22169788
KVK: 61802263
BTW: NL207406261